The viticultural sector represents the core business of the activities developed by Agrimeca Grape and Fruit Consulting. The vineyard system in its countless technical-plant expressions and different management methods for organic, biodynamic, zero-residue, IPM productions, etc. is interpreted by the technicians of Agrimeca Grape and Fruit Consulting® according to the most up-to-date standards and adopting solutions that allow the national viticultural sector to excel in the global field.
This activity benefits from the continuous technical exchange that takes place with other realities – California, South America, Australia, countries of the Mediterranean basin, and with the various groups that operate in breeding for the creation of new varieties.
In Apulia region and Italy, the olive sector currently lives an especially hard time. In Apulia on one hand must be preserved the beauty and majesty of trees, on the other there is the need to make efficient the “system groves” to have competitive products for the market.
The foundations of competitiveness are to produce quality oils in compliance with the IPM and biological techniques, by adopting new systems of planting and by rationalizing the cultural practices in the existing ones.
Agrimeca Grape and Fruit Consulting® provides its high experiences to the new models as the high intensive olive growing, as well as to the traditional olive groves by respecting the environment and the peculiar characteristics of the production strongly related to the territories.
The modern fruit market is highly diversified both in requests from the large retailers and consumers that for the wide range of varieties varietal available by public and private research breeding programs.
The wide varietal innovation, in addition to the benefits for the best quali-quantitative performance, nevertheless leaves pending several uncertainties about the sound field management in areas very far from the place of origin.
The large variability with match the actors of the production chains then makes necessary the presence of professional figures who know how to interpretate the specific needs and are able to translate them into practical actions in the field.
Agrimeca Grape and Fruit Consulting® provides technical assistance to farms, groups of producers and packing house both for production for the fresh market (open field and protected orchards), both for industrial processing.
The Organic agriculture today means to make a responsible choice not only to the consumer but also to the environment and future generations.
The statistics show an exponential increase Italian and foreign producers who follow the organic farming techniques and work in the framework of official protocols submitted to several certification schemes.
Agrimeca Grape and Fruit Consulting® offers its experience in the field of technical assistance in order to optimize the management of the farms for getting quality products in the field of organic as well as biodynamic farming and zero residue.
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